2013 Titles

New Champion!

February 10th, 2013. Adele earns the last point for her CKC Championship.

Ch Novacoast Feel My Love

~Walt Norris Photo~

New Rally Advanced Title!

February 10th, 2013. Woobie earns three qualifying scores with three high in class placements for his RA title.

Ch Novacoast Calculated Risk CGN CD RA DD

New Rally Excellent Title!

March 24th, 2013. Woobie earns the last leg of his Rally Excellent title!!! Way to go, Woobie!!!

Ch Novacoast Calculated Risk CGN CD RE DD

~file photo~

New Junior Mexican Champion!

April 6th, 2013. Trey gets the last point for his Junior Mexican Championship!!!!! Trey finishes in style with a BOB Jr and Best In Group jr win!!!!! Way to go Juan and Trey, we are super proud!!!!!

Jr Mex Ch Novacoast Lost In Love

~file photo~

New CFC Champion!

April 28th, 2013. Savita becomes a new CFC Champion!!!!!

CKC CFC Ch Novacoast By Royal Command CGN RN CD

~Nancy Smith Photo~

New CFC Champion!

April 28th, 2013. Jury becomes a new CFC Champion!!!!!

CKC CFC Ch Novacoast Burden Of Proof

~Nancy Smith Photo~

New Champion!

May 10th, 2013. Syler, earns the last points for his CKC Championship.

BPIG Ch Novacoast Taken By Storm

~Walt Norris Photo~

New Champion!

June 30th, 2013. Desaray earns the last point for her CKC Championship.

Ch Novacoast Love Beyond Desire

~Walt Norris Photo ~

New Champion!

June 30th, 2013. Ciara earns the last point for her CKC Championship.

Ch Novacoast Steal Your Thunder

~Walt Norris Photo ~

New Rally Advanced title!

July 28th, 2013. After being on vacation for 1.5 years, Savita returns to her trainer, Sue Bosence and after just 2 weeks of being with Sue and 10 days of training, Savita earns the last two legs of her RA with a score of 96 & 95!!!! Congratulations Sue & Savita!!!!!

CKC CFC Ch Novacoast By Royal Command CGN CD RA

New Disc Dog Title!!!

August 3rd, in Quebec, Canada, Elias gets the last points that he needs to finish his disc dog title!!! Well done, Joanne & Elias!!!! The first Novacoast Disc Dog title!!!!!

Novacoast Love Conquers All DD

New Rally Excellent title!

August 18th, 2013. Savita earns her RE title with three for three qualifying scores and a high in class!!!!! Congratulations Sue & Savita!!!!!

CKC CFC Ch Novacoast By Royal Command CGN CD RE

Robert Buck Photo

New Herding Instinct Certificate!!!!!

On August 25th, Elias earns his Herding Instinct Certificate! Congratulations Elias, Joanne & Gerry!!!!!

Novacoast Love Conquers All DD HIC

New Basic Disc Dog Title!!!

September 2nd, in Quebec, Canada, Elias earns his basic disc dog title!!! Well done, Joanne & Elias!!!!

Novacoast Love Conquers All DD BDD HIC

New Champion!

September 29th, 2013. Elias earns the last point for his CKC Championship in Montreal, Quebec. Elias was expertly handled by Myriam Ruel.

Congratulations Joanne, Gerry & Mimi!!!!!!!

Ch Novacoast Love Conquers All DD BDD HIC

New Disc Dog Excellent Title!!!

November 2nd, in Quebec, Canada, Elias earns his disc dog excellent title!!! Well done, Joanne & Elias!!!!

Ch Novacoast Love Conquers All DDX BDD HIC

New Disc Dog Title!!!

November 3rd, in Quebec, Canada, Nova earns his disc dog title!!! Well done, Gerry & Nova!!!!

Ch Novacoast Red Sky At Night DD HIC

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