About Novacoast Australian Shepherds
Novacoast Australian Shepherds is located on the beautiful south shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. We are one hour from the provincial capital city, Halifax and thirty minutes from the picturesque coastline, including our favorite beaches: Crescent, Green Bay and Rissers. Nova Scotia, also referred to as Canada’s ocean playground, is world famous for it’s seafood, especially lobster, striking scenery and the world’s highest tides at the Bay of Fundy. We are very proud to call Nova Scotia our home!
Novacoast Australian Shepherds is owned by Angela Slauenwhite & Collin Veinot. We are situated on a farm in a small, rural community with our dogs, bengal cats, chickens, goats, sheep and horses . We both grew up surrounded by animals so it is no surprise to anyone who knows us that animals are such an important part of our lives today!
Collin brought home his first Australian Shepherd, Pepper, in 1996. Pepper won over our hearts and she is the reason that we have decided to get more involved in the breed. Pepper was an excellent dog and has taught us both so much. She was a very intense, focused and willing worker, even in her old age!

We are heavily involved in the dog community both locally and nationally. We are members in good standing of the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC), for which Collin was the CKC Conformation council rep for Nova Scotia and Angela was the CKC Junior Handling council rep for Nova Scotia, Maritime Group 7 Club (MG7), the Canadian National Australian Shepherd Association (CNASA), for which Collin was the president for 4 years and the treasurer for the 4 years before becoming president. Angela was the regional director for the Atlantic Provinces for 12 years, editor of the CNASA Quarterly magazine, social media manager and did website updates for 7 years, the Australian Shepherd Club of America (ASCA), the South Shore Kennel Club (SSKC) where Collin is the president/show chair/show secretary and Angela is the secretary/treasurer/trial chair and webmaster.
We also volunteer our time to work with junior handlers both on our own and through the South Shore Kennel Club.
We organized the very first CNASA regional specialty in the Atlantic provinces in 2023.
Our dogs are actively involved in conformation and train in obedience and rally. We have bred some of the top dogs in Canada in conformation, obedience, rally and agilty, including the #1 all breed rally dog in 2022, breaking records as the highest scoring rally obedience Australian Shepherd of all time in Canada, #1 Australian Shepherd puppy in Canada in 2011 and 2014, the #1 Australian Shepherd in CKC agility for many years, top dog in AAC agility all breed and the only dog all breed to earn the top agility title in the CKC and in the AAC and the #1 Australian Shepherd in rally obedience for 2016 and many other top Australian Shepherd and top 10 placements over the years. Many of our dogs compete in conformation, agility, rally, obedience, disc dog and have earned many owner/handled titles. A Novacoast Aussie who is trained as a service/search and rescue dog was also involved in a search and rescue operation in Mexico after an earthquake. Needless to say, we are very proud of all of our Novacoast aussies regardless if they are top show dogs or beloved family companions.